Joe's Pager sends text messages from your Macintosh computer to personal pagers, via your modem and a commercial pager service's Motorola protocol. Messages can be sent to individuals or groups of individuals. A phone book is built–in.
How do I use Joe's Pager?
If you have a modem, and a phone number for a commercial pager service, then open Joe's Pager. You will find Help under the Joe's menu. Notice that Joe's Pager (App), is a standalone application and does not need HyperCard®.
First, to set up your modem, use the Modem Setup from Joe's menu. This is where you will enter the phone number for your commercial pager service. All other settings can be left to their default for your first use.
Then, to add someone to your list of names, or to learn how to send them a page, see the Help text, under Joe's menu.
System Requirements
...System 6.07 or greater
...Modem (Hayes compatible. Some incompatibility with Teleport Gold II modems)
...Paging service using Motorola protocol
...A pager which can receive full text messages (not just numbers)
I already use Joe's Pager, how do I upgrade to this new version?
When upgrading to a new version of Joe's Pager, first save your existing Names List and Preferences. Then open your new version of Joe's Pager and import a previously saved list. To do so, use "Import/Export" from Joe's menu. (See the Help text, under Joe's menu.)
Problem: Joe's Pager dials my pager service company, but there's a problem connecting…
√Suggest: First, confirm that you have entered your own pager service company's phone number in in Joe's Modem Setup window. Second, experiment with different modem initialization strings in the Modem Setup window (Joe defaults to "AT&F0", but you might try simply "AT" or whatever your modem manual suggests).
Problem: I have a Teleport Gold II modem, from Global Village. I can't get Joe's Pager to recognize my modem.
√ Suggest: Please try another modem. For the moment there is a known incompatibility with the Teleport Gold II. Global Village has been helpful in working on this. Be sure that you are using their most recent software version.
√ Suggest: Should any problem persist, please contact the authors. Each Joe's Pager session is recorded in the Modem Log. To see this hidden debugging feature, hold down the option–key, and from Joe's menu choose Modem Setup. The log can be saved as a text file and sent to the authors.
For more help, see the Help–text, under Joe's menu.
Version History
1.55 [January 1995]
…Permits long messages to be sent in sequentially paged segments. (Suggested by Allen Rose. See Help text for details).
1.41 [December 1994]
…Initialization string now can be set from the Modem Setup window. Joe's Pager now defaults to initialization string of "AT&F0". Seems to fix most modem/pager service failure to connect problems. (Suggested by Dave Thompson of DaBex Co.)
…Error dialog "Problem sending message…archiving and printing not done"—no longer crops up as often. (Fixed what Joe's Pager looks for after sending a successful page. No longer looks for "Hangup now".)
…If userlevel < 2 (Typing), then sets to userlevel Typing and restores on closestack.
…Optional standalone version created
1.27 [July 1993]
…Modem Setup permits 300 baud up to 9600 baud transmission. Also can set modem options such a stopbit, databit, etc.
1.24 [October 1993]
…Shareware release
How to Purchase Joe's Pager
To purchase Joe's Pager, please send $10.00 per copy to…
Joe's Pager
c/o Joe Bitzenhofer
6568 Spindlewick Lane
Cincinnati OH 45230
√ Please make checks payable to "Joe's Pager". Thank you for registering. (Site licenses available. For description of these, see "About Joe's Pager" under the Apple menu. Then, click the "Register" button to print the registration form which lists discounted prices.)
Authors' Email Addresses
Joe Bitzenhofer
America Online: Lobstar
Carl Gandola
America Online: Gandola
Limitations on Warranty and Liability
Joe's Pager software is licensed and delivered on an "as is" basis. The authors make no warranty either expressed or implied by statute or otherwise, regarding Joe's Pager, its quality, its performance, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall the authors be liable for any consequential, incidental or punitive damages resulting from use of the program. (For full statement of limitations on warranty and liability see help text available in Joe's menu.)
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